I would like to take the opportunity to welcome you to St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy. I hope this website gives you an insight into what we have to offer, however please do not hesitate to get in touch for a visit to see us for yourselves.
I am immensely proud to be headteacher of St Peter and St Paul Catholic Primary Academy. I have a long history with the school, joining as a teacher in 2003 to taking on the role of headteacher from February 2022. As a one form entry school, we have a real community feel, where all adults and children get to know each other well. We like to think of ourselves as your extended family. We value every child, no matter their background, and strive for all children to achieve in our nurturing environment.
We are situated within Scadbury Nature Reserve and are very fortunate to have extensive grounds, which are well used at playtimes, during PE and bringing traditional indoor lessons outside, making education more active, engaging and effective. We also have our own forest school area.
Our staff are proud to work at St Peter and St Paul and are passionate to deliver the best possible provision to all our children – whether it is academic or personal development. We have high expectations and as a result of a rich and ambitious curriculum, positive behaviour for learning and our aim to develop the whole child, our pupils become confident and enthusiastic learners ready to embrace their next stage of their education.
Miss Everson
Read MoreOur Mission
Joywithin our learning
Safeand secure Catholic environment
Usingall our skills and talents
Spirituallyfollowing our saints

Safeguarding is an integral part of our life at St Peter and St Paul and is everyone’s responsibility. It is important for children to feel safe. Our day-to-day practices, our curriculum and through the use of specialist organisations such as the NSPCC, help empower our children by teaching them how to recognise abuse, stay safe on and offline and to use their voices to speak out. Children are encouraged to talk to a trusted adult if they are worried about anything.
At times, we may need to share information, get advice or work in partnership with other agencies if we are concerned about a child’s welfare. We believe it is always better to be transparent with all parties at these times and work together to achieve the best outcomes.
There may be times when you need extra help and support. If this is the case, please come and talk to us. There are many ways in which we can help.
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